Monday 1 August 2016

Ham and Egg Muffins

I made this gorgeous muffins for my breakfast this morning, so I thought I would share the recipe with you all so you can make your own.


(To make 3 Muffins)

3 Slices of ham
3 Eggs
15g of mature cheese (3 Syns)


Spray 3 spaces in a muffin tin with frylight.
Place one slice of ham in each hole, covering the bottom and sides.
Crack an egg in each hole.
Place in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
With 5 minutes to go, sprinkle cheese on muffins.

I only used 15g of cheese for 3 syns as I wanted to use my HexA for my dinner, but you could easily use all your allowance on the muffins.

I also served mine with mushrooms on the side, put you could put them in the muffins, just put them in before the you crack the eggs in. You could also put chopped tomatoes or even spring onions inside!

I hope your all enjoy making them and find them as yummy as me, please let me know how you get on :)

Leanne x

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