Saturday 6 August 2016

Week Four

Hi all,

This week has been a very successful week! I was very disappointed with last weeks weigh in after being on plan throughout the week, I maintained and didn't lose any weight :( but I didn't let this get me down or make me think it wasn't worth it, I carried on to make sure I had another good week so I could begin to see the results I want.

Although I don't officially weigh in until Sundays, I have had a quick weigh in this morning and it is looking good! So this has really spurred me on, even though I'm facing one of my biggest challenges tonight...the cinema! When I have been the cinema in the past, I have snacked on a big bag of popcorn, plus a bag of chocolate, but I do not want to let myself down or deny myself a nice treat. So I have been careful with what I have I used my syns on today, so I have enough left to be able to take some butterkist toffee popcorn for 5.5 syns and I will have one or two pieces of the fiancé's chocolate for the rest of my syns. I am also going to buy a large diet coke and have some of that whenever I feel I need something to help get me through.

I must say, the biggest success to my week again has been planing. I plan the week ahead on a Saturday, thinking about what food I have left, what I need to get, and then I find I do not deviate far from the plan because I don't need to!

Next week is going to more of a challenge personally as my fiancĂ© is off work with me for the whole week, and he likes to pick at food, which I will have to resist. We are also planning to take my niece to Stratford for the day, although I have already decided to take a packed lunch so I do not go off plan,  I might not be able to resist an ice-cream!

Please also check out all the recipes I have posted on my blog this week. They are all really tasty and low/no syn meals and very filling, and it might give you some new meals to try incase you are getting a little bored of the same meals, which happens to me too.

I hope you all have a great week and I'll let you know how the official weigh in goes via my Instagram page.

Leanne x

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