Sunday 28 August 2016

Week Seven

Hi everyone,

I am going to be honest with you, this week has been a disaster! I started off the week very positive, planning my week and going shopping, but then I got ill and this is where it all went a little wrong. I know I shouldn't use being ill as an excuse to eat unhealthy, but for some reason I couldn't help myself! I had a cold, which effected my sinuses quite bad, meaning I had a contest headache and just felt rubbish for a few days. I couldn't be bothered to cook and only fancied chocolate, which unfortunately is what I ended up having. This has meant I have come in this week with a 1lb gain, which is not as bad as I was expecting!

This week I am feeling much better and ready to get back on the band wagon and have a good, healthy week :) I have already planned my week so I feel ready to do this! In case you didn't know I am also a teacher so I am in week 5 of my 6 weeks off, this week school is open for us to go in and set up and get ready for starting back the following week, meaning I can have a test run to getting back into planning meals to take to work.

Unlike some people, I seem to be able to follow the plan and make better choices when I'm not at work, which from talking to members in my family and friends, isn't usually the case. I find it easier being at home because I can take time to make my meals, which I enjoy and I don't buy things that could tempt me like chocolate and sweets. Whereas at work, it is always someone's birthday, so cakes and sweet treats are constantly floating around the staffroom and there is the kids prize box stuffed with sweets to dip into at the end of the day! So going back to work will be the ultimate test to see if I can make healthy choices!!

I hope you all have a great week and wish me luck!

Leanne x

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