Thursday 4 August 2016

Pizza Pies

I love these pizza pies for my dinner, they fill the gap when missing a normal pizza, but with a fraction of the syns! Plus they are super easy and quick to make.

Ingredients: (To serve 1)

1 Stand 'n' Stuff  Tortillas (4 syns)
Any toppings you would usually have on a pizza (I used chicken and bacon)
Tomato Puree
30g Cheddar Cheese


  • Cook any toppings that you are using and then place in the bottom of the tortillas.
  • Cover toppings with tomato puree.
  • Spinkle over cheese and place in the oven at around 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
  • Serve with desired sides. I had sweet potato wedges, roasted carrots and caramelised onions, a bit random I know but it was all syn free, yummy and very filling!

See very easy and quick to make and only 4 syns if using the cheese as your healthy extra.

These are what the Stand 'n' Stuff tortillas look like in the shops:

Leanne x

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