Monday 15 August 2016

Week Five

Hi all,

I am pleased to say this week has been another successful week :) Although I have had a day off plan, I made sure I was straight back on it the next day to make the damage as little as possible and I came out of the week with a 1.5lb loss!!

The day I had off plan was when me and my fiancé went to afternoon tea, as we have started alphabet dating. I didn't hold myself back on this day, I just enjoyed our time together as I knew it was only for that day. There were also a couple of days when I went slightly over my syns for the day, which I thought might hinder my weight loss also, but I think because I didn't go mad and just think I might as well have more because i'm already over, it was not as damaging as it could of been.

Another thing that I think has helped my weight loss over the last couple of weeks is the tea I have been drinking. I ordered fruiteatox tea after seeing some great reviews on Instagram. Their teas taste amazing and I think have really helped with my bloating and weight loss. There is a morning tea, which you have everyday and a night tea, which you have every other night. I have now run out of tea :( as I only ordered the 14 day pack (you can order the 28 day pack also), so I am going to see if my weight loss slows down this coming week, and if it does, I am defiantly going to be ordering some more.

I also went to a BBQ yesterday and after already having a day off plan this week, I didn't want to have another one so decided I was going to make the right choices and stay 100% on plan. I am not going to lie to you, it was so, so hard, but I managed it and because I did I felt really proud of myself :) I made sure I saved all of my syns for the BBQ and filled up as much as possible on Speed fruit while I was there. Here is the food I had.

I had jacket potatoes, and used my Healthy Extra A for the cheese, and just syned the margarine for 3 syns. I then took my own slimming world burgers, topped with loads of onion and broke up 1 cheese slice for 3.5 syns and ketchup for 1 syn. I also knew everyone would be drinking at the BBQ so I found these Kopparberg Light cans in Morrisons for only 4.5 Syns! Considering a normal bottle of Kopparberg sets you back 15 syns, this did the job and I didn't feel I was depriving myself of a nice drink. I then had loads and loads of watermelon to fill me up and stop me picking at all the cakes that were there!

I hope you all had an amazing week also and got the results you wanted, or if you didn't, know why and don't feel too put off by it. Good luck for the week ahead :)

Leanne x

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