Thursday 4 August 2016

Fish Pie

I love this yummy and tasty fish pie recipe, so thought I'd share it for all to use. I hope you enjoy making it and eating as much as I do!


Fish Selection Pack (Can pick up from most supermarkets, or just buy fish you like separately)
250ml Skimmed Milk
1 Fish Stock Pot
Around 3 Potatoes (peeled)
Frozen peas
Onion (optional)


  • Boil peeled potatoes in slightly salted water.
  • Meanwhile, place fish in saucepan with milk, and gently heat.
  • Add fish stock pot to fish and milk.
  • When fish is cooked through, place in a casserole  dish with some of the liquid from the saucepan (save the rest of the liquid).
  • Mix frozen peas (and diced onion) with fish.
  • Drain poatoes, mash and mix in some of the liquid saved earlier.
  • Place mash on top of the fish in the casserole dish and place in the oven at around 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.
  • Serve with choice of sides, I chose asparagus.

Enjoy, Leanne x

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