Sunday 21 August 2016

Week Six

Hi All,

Just an update to tell you all about my week. This week has been a bit of a funny week for some reason :/ I'm a primary school teacher and so I this is currently my 4th week off work, and I think the boredom has finally got to me! But on the other hand I haven't been able to motivate myself to do anything! So I'm afraid I have been a little lazy and lounged around most days watching the Olympics, which I'm sure is meant to inspire you to become more active!! Anyway, although I haven't been the most active this week, I have still made sure I have stuck to plan, which has lead me to a 2lb weightless this week :) I could not be happier as I was a little worried that the few extra syns I had towards the end of last week would show this week, but I have held them off!

This week I have also fancied chocolate a lot more than I have any other week, I think it may be because I have purposely stayed away from chocolate till now as I know once I have some, I will want more and more. So because of this, I did have a chocolate treat after I weighed this morning to satisfy my craving. I may also look up some low syn chocolate treats to buy when I go shopping incase I feel the cravings again, any ideas please let me know :)

This coming week is going to be a little bit of a struggle because I am running out of speed foods and can't afford to go shopping until I get paid on Friday. I am going to try my best to rustle up meals with what I have left, but there might not always be a great amount of speed foods with them :/ I am about to do my food planner for the week, so I am going to look through what I have left and make sure I can last!

I am also going to try and exercise more this week, my fiancé's mom gave us a rowing machine, so I am going to aim to go on that at least three times this week, if not more. I also need to start getting prepared for going back to work in two weeks as I am moving to a new classroom and new year group!

Hope you have all have a fantastic week also and good luck for the week ahead,

Leanne x

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