Saturday 9 July 2016

All about me!

This is my very first blog post...ever and I thought I would begin by telling everyone a little about myself. I am 25 years old, and live with my gorgeous fiancee Dean :) we are getting married 12th August 2017, which is one of the factors spurring me on to become slimmer and healthier! I am also a primary school teacher and currently work with 26 amazing nursery children, but soon I will be moving with them to reception.

I have been to slimming world previously with my mom and sister, and found the groups not to my liking, so I am trying slimming world from home, all on my own! I am also using Instagram as an online food diary and I also get lots of brilliant ideas from other lovely people too. There is a link to my Instagram page on this blog :)

I hope you find this blog as useful as it will be to be me and good luck everyone with your own journeys.

Leanne x

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