Friday 29 July 2016

Week Three

Hi all,

I am please to say I am much more positive this week! This week I have defiantly got my head in the game and been on plan 100%. The key to my success? Plan, plan plan. I used my lovely planner from fox and moon (Instagram: @fox_and_moon), where they have a section at the beginning of every week to plan breakfast, lunch and dinner for the whole week. Here is my food diary for this week, as you can see, I changed a few meals because of a moaning other half or because I fancied something different, but I still made sure it was on plan and wasn't a takeaway!

Then everyday, there is a section for you to write down all your food for the day, healthy extras, syns, water intake and exercise! It is perfect for keeping a track of what you are eating throughout the day, how many syns your have left and if you need to have your healthy extras, and they are super cute planners too!! Below is a copy of one of my days this week, next to each food in the planner I put whether they are free, speed, protein, a healthy extra or how many syns they were. This is useful to ensure you are having speed food with every meal and if you want to do a SP day, it can help you keep track also. I got this idea from Mrs Mummy Wright, who is an excellent blogger, vlogger and Instagramer! Her Instagram is @mrsmummywright_sw and from there you can find links to her wonderful blog and YouTube channel. I get lots of ideas from her vlogs and she uploads one everyday!

I weigh in on a Sunday, so hopefully all this hard work has paid off this week and I see a loss on the scales. As soon as I have weighed I will let everyone know via Instagram how I have got on :).

Thank you for reading and I hope you have had a great week also.

Leanne x

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Stuffed Peppers

Hi all,

I have to share with you this delicious recipe I just made for my lunch. I'm not usually a big fan of peppers and only eat them to get speed food in but never really enjoy them, but they are gorgeous roasted!


2 Peppers (halved and seeds removed)
1 Leek (chopped)
1 Onion (chopped) I used frozen diced onion
4 laughing cow light cheese triangles.


Fry the onion and leek in a frying pan with frylight to soften.
Place into peppers that a have been prepared.
Top each with a cheese triangle.
Place in the oven at 180 degrees for around 25 minutes.

I found that that the two peepers filled me up enough but could serve with chicken on the side or salad.

Enjoy, Leanne x

Monday 18 July 2016

Week Two

Straight from the off, I am going to be honest, this has not been the best week in slimming world terms! But this is what is great about slimming world, you can fall off the wagon, as long as it doesn't affect your future, just put it behind you and look forward.

I am a firm believer that if you draw a line and forget about the past, you will be fine, it's when you begin thinking that you've had a bad week, so it might as well turn into a bad month and it will just go from there. You have not failed because of a bad week, slimming world is easy and simple enough that you can quickly pick it back up and get back on track. 

This week I have not stuck to plan as much as I could of, but I haven't gone as mad as I could have either, which is better than eating anything I fancy or anything in sight, which is what would have happened in the past. So slowly my attitude towards food is changing for the better and I am beginning to make healthier choices. 

This coming week I plan to have a much better week, I am determined to write down all my food, as well as take pictures for Instagram also. 

Wish me luck, and good luck to all of you also...remember look forward, not back and you can do it!

Leanne x

Sunday 10 July 2016

Week One

It's been tough fist week being back on the slimming world plan, I will admit, I am not the best person at resisting temptation! But I have tried my very best with just a few slip ups along the way. One of the main motivators  for me is that this time around, I have joined the gym and keep thinking to myself that I can't let all the hard work at the gym be for nothing because I can't make healthy choices.

I have also bought myself a FitBit to use at the gym, I have the fitbit Charge HR, which counts your steps, distance, calories burned, active minutes, heart rate, as well as some other features such as monitoring your sleep pattern. I'm very pleased I made this purchase, it has defiantly spurred me on to be more active and the more I explore the features, the more attached I am becoming.

Saturday 9 July 2016

All about me!

This is my very first blog post...ever and I thought I would begin by telling everyone a little about myself. I am 25 years old, and live with my gorgeous fiancee Dean :) we are getting married 12th August 2017, which is one of the factors spurring me on to become slimmer and healthier! I am also a primary school teacher and currently work with 26 amazing nursery children, but soon I will be moving with them to reception.

I have been to slimming world previously with my mom and sister, and found the groups not to my liking, so I am trying slimming world from home, all on my own! I am also using Instagram as an online food diary and I also get lots of brilliant ideas from other lovely people too. There is a link to my Instagram page on this blog :)

I hope you find this blog as useful as it will be to be me and good luck everyone with your own journeys.

Leanne x