Tuesday 13 September 2016

Weeks Eight and Nine

Hi everyone,

I am so sorry that I haven't posted anything for a while but I have just returned to work (I am a teacher) and so I have been super busy settling my reception class back into school life and getting my head around my new role as early years coordinator!

I will admit that week eight was not my best week, as well as starting back to work, I also started the new season of my local darts team that I am part of, meaning that I just had quick and easy meals throughout the week. Despite this, I managed to have a maintain, which I am completely shocked but so, so happy about. I think a factor in this was returning to work, meaning I was more active and not lying around on the settee most days watching Criminal Minds! I promised my myself when I got anyway with not gaining I was going to plan the coming week and be as prepared as possible.

Week nine has been a much more successful week, I made sure I planned and prepared and didn't let myself down. I began preparing all my lunches the night before so I wasn't running around in the mornings trying to think what I could grab to take to work. My biggest problem is having breakfast now I am back at work. I leave the house at 7:30am, and do not feel like eating before this, so need breakfast meals I can take into work to have before the children arrive. Lately it seems to be that I'm having watermelon and grapes in the morning, but its not the same as having the time to cook something like I did when I was off. Being back on plan 100% and being more active has meant that I ended week nine with a 2lb loss!! That means I have now lost 9lb altogether, which I know doesn't seem like much but it is the most I have ever lost in one go on slimming world.

This current week (week ten) is going well, apart from I am quickly running out of speed foods, so I am desperate to get to the shops at some point to stock up.

Hope everyone else is having a great weeks :)

Leanne x

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