Monday 3 July 2017

LiveLean Meat Bundle

I still love ordering my meat from LiveLean, It is quick and easy to do, delivery is quick and the meat is super tasty!

The latest bundle I purchased was called the 'PayDay' bundle box and was advertised for £100, but was currently 50% off!

I also purchased 2 extra packs for extra lean mince.

In the bundle I got the following:

12 Steak Meatballs (0.5 syn for 2)
8 Pork Sausages (2 syns each)
Extra Lean Beef Mince (Syn Free)
2 Sirloin Steaks (Syn Free)
2 Minute Steaks (Syn Free)
2 Steak Burgers (5 syns each)
2 Chicken Burgers (1 syn each)
5kg of Chicken Breasts (Syn Free)
8 Bacon Medallions (Syn Free)
4 Pork Loin Steaks in a BBQ marinade (Syns unsure)
Chicken Wings and Drumsticks in a BBQ marinade. (Syns unsure)

I have contacted LiveLean regarding the syns for the BBQ marinade on the pork steaks and chicken, and as soon as I get the information, I will update this post.

Back on Plan

Hi all,

I know it has been quite a while since I posted last, but I have been super, super busy and lets just say my slimming world journey has not been the the most on plan recently!

I think since I last posted on here, I have been and joined group on two separate occasions, done really well for around 3 weeks, and then let it all go!

I have now decided that group may not be the way forward for me, so I have joined Slimming World Online :)

I like this option because I still get access to the app (and syn values), I have to weigh in still every week, I don't have to find the time to attend a group or feel guilty for not staying to group when I go and weigh, and I had to pay 3 months upfront, which I'm hoping will help keep me on track!

I am more determined then ever now as my wedding is now only 6 weeks away! Although I know I won't lose a massive amount of weight in this time, I'm hoping to lose enough to make myself feel more comfortable and happier with my weight, just in time for the honeymoon!

Any help and encouragement I can get will be great, I also post my meals on my Instagram page, so please check it out and let me know how I am doing!

See you soon,

Leanne x

Sunday 23 October 2016

Starting Again!

Hi everyone,

I'm so sorry I have been very absent recently and not done a blog post in forever, but I am back now! I knew I would find it a challenge when I returned to work as I like to take time preparing meals and experimenting with different recipes. But when I am at work, I find I do not have the time to do this, which leads to disaster! I really need to find a way to make sure I stay on track when I am at work, so please any ideas please let me know :)

So I have decided to draw a line over the last couple of months and begin m slimming world journey again, the wedding date is fast approaching and I really need to begin looking for my dress pretty soon, but want to loose some weight first, so I need to focus! So I officially re-began slimming world on the 1st October and have currently lost 2lbs.

I am now off work for a week as it is half term so I am planning to use the week to get my head back in the game and make sure I know what i'm doing so I can be successful for my wedding :)

During my time away I have another LiveLean delivery and ordered a different bundle this time so I will doing a blog post about that this week, so be on the look out!

Leanne x

Sunday 18 September 2016

Week Ten

Hello everyone,

I hope you have all had a more successful week than me! I began the week on a very positive note, planning out my week and making sure I knew what meals I was going to be having. Although I knew I was limited on speeds food I had, I thought if I was at least having free foods, it should be good enough to at least achieve a maintain.

This plan worked out well for the first couple of days this week, but then my lovely fiance suggested going on our B date in alphabet dating to give a break from doing work one night. So we headed off to Bella Italia and I thought I would give myself a night off plan to reward myself for all my hard work I had been doing, and because I didn't want to be worrying about what food to eat when my fiance was treating me to a lovely night out :) I have had a night off plan in the past and still managed to have a loss, but I think due to the lack of speed foods also this week, I wasn't able to get away with it! This has meant that I have had a 1lb gain this week :( but I cannot dwell on it, I know where it went wrong and it is easy to put right, so that is what I am going to do!

I love our date nights <3

In regards to the speed food situation, since we moved into our own house a year ago, we have been only going shopping once a month,. Which was fine when I wasn't following slimming world because I hardly bought fruit and would need replacing and we ate stuff out the freezer...a lot!! But now I find that towards the end of the month, I have used all my fruit and yogurts and general things that don't have the longest use by date. This means that I struggle to keep up my speed food intake and although I could pop to the shops to buy these things, it usually turns into spending £30-£50 on other things too!
Finally a nice full fridge! 

So to help with this we are going to try going shopping every two weeks, planning our meals for those two coming weeks before we go and only buying the things we need. Hopefully this will mean that I can keep my fridge and fruit bowl nice and full :) Wish me luck!

Leanne x